Friday, August 20, 2010

Conspirators of 9/11 and Mad Hatter’s Tea Party

Conspirators of 9/11 and Mad Hatter’s Tea Party

I am sick and tired of 9/11! Do you blame the Muslims for these anomalies?

What’s happened to twin tower gold bars?

What was the result of 9/11 Text messages received by to Jews?

Dancing Israelis Videotaping 9/11

A Timeline: Israel connection to 9/11

Media Manipulation - Palestinians Dancing on 9/11 Videos

Who Are the Beneficiaries of 9/11?

International Poll: No Consensus On Who Was Behind 9/11

The Arabs and Muslims Gained Nothing from 9/11

A Mad Hatter’s Tea Party and Evil of Sharia Law

For more: A Mad Hatter’s Tea Party and Evil of Sharia Law

Burn the Wife Alive was discouraged by Islam. Islam also openly and strongly discouraged the barbaric process of burying baby daughter alive!

Judaism and Christianity got at least 18 provisions allowing stone to death.

Non Muslim St. Stephen was stoned to death!

The other reporting of Sunkara Srinivas, 32, belonging to the Scheduled Caste (SC), and 22-year-old Swapna Reddy, belonging to an upper caste, had eloped and married six months ago was in HYDERABAD, India and both of them were NOT Muslims.

The only other story I found is Stoning of Du'a Khalil Aswad. She is not a Muslim!! In fact she belongs to Yazidi faith!!!

Men stoned to death for adultery, murder in Iran is one case only and I am conducting more investigation about it. Adulterer Stoned to Death: Extreme Islamic Punishment in Somalia is another case in point one. Since 1980, thanks to US government, Somalia is lacking of a proper government and the case is very questionable.

The most disturbing reported cases of stone to death are:

1. Pakistani man stoned to death and

2. Man and woman stoned to death in Afghanistan!

Amongst 1.5 billion Muslims not even a handful of Muslims faced stone to death! Sudden three reporting in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran are seriously disturbing.

I hope they are not like Hill & Knowlton trained Nurse Nayirah and Saddam Hussein's alleged shredder from totally misguided American mercenaries who are stupid enough to send their own children to die for the mistress called Israel.

A Mad Hatter’s Tea Party and Lies about 9/11

For more: A Mad Hatter’s Tea Party and Lies about 9/11

USA Must Quit Afghanistan Now

(Who Invented) Osama bin Laden to Slaughter the Arabs and Muslims?

Osama bin Laden! Guilty or Innocent?

By the way who was behind 9/11 and benefited from this tragedy?

Who are the beneficiaries of 9/11?

1. Israel?

2. USA?

3. Defense Industrial Complexes?

4. Afghanistan?

5. Iraq?

6. Iran?

7. Pakistan?

8. India?

Who are the losers of 9/11?

A. Notion of Justice?

B. Democracy?

C. Human Rights?

D. Civil Rights and Industrial Rights?

E. Muslims?

F. Arabs?

G. Humanity in general?

A Mad Hatter’s Tea Party and Lies about a Mosque

For more: A Mad Hatter’s Tea Party and Lies about a Mosque

Further to Mad Haters Party of USA (No Mosque near Ground Zero) and Beyond A Mad Hatter’s Tea Party? , a variety of proposed scenarios have been reported by various media outlets. These speak of a

1. Mosque at Ground Zero,

2. Mosque near Ground Zero,

3. Or a Mosque several blocks away from Ground Zero.

It makes one wonder which of these descriptions is correct, and what is an acceptable distance for a Mosque from the Ground Zero?

Beyond A Mad Hatter’s Tea Party?

For more: Beyond A Mad Hatter’s Tea Party?

Further to Mad Haters Party of USA (No Mosque near Ground Zero) Islam and Muslim bashing is the most spectacular sport in USA!

The Muslims did not conspire to kill Jesus and that’s why the term Islamo-Christian Culture does not exist!!

The Muslims respect Jesus and mother Marry and the Jews do not. Yet, they are revered as Judeo-Christian Culture!!!

One must wonder, “why is it so”?

Mad Haters Party of USA (No Mosque near Ground Zero)

Mad Haters Party of USA is mad indeed. They are also Islamophobic! It is cheap and popular.

No Mosque at Ground Zero

Robert Spencer praises Newt's intellectual leadership in identifying threat of radical Islam

Video: America at Risk: Camus, National Security, and Afghanistan

Newt Gingrich Praises Anti-Defamation League for Opposing Proposed Islamic Community Center near Ground Zero

Newt says WTC mosque construction is a "political act" on NY1 News

Newt Gingrich Statement on Proposed Mosque/Islamic Community Center near Ground Zero

Europol Report: All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 99.6% that Aren't

RAND report: Threat of homegrown jihadism exaggerated, Zero U.S. civilians killed since 9/11

All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren't

The crusade for a Christian military

The Good Soldiers of David Finkel