Saturday, April 10, 2010

Click and find out the Israeli Holocaust in the Net

Click and find out the Israeli Holocaust in the Net

Does Israel have any Peace Plan?
Yahoo Q and A (Saturday, 10 April 2010)

Are We Allowed to Discuss Israeli War Crimes and Genocides?
Yahoo Q and A (Saturday, 10 April 2010)

What Do You Know About the Israeli Holocaust?
Yahoo Q and A (Saturday, 10 April 2010)

Do You Call It Witch-Hunt or Muslim Hunt?
Yahoo Q and A (Saturday, 10 April 2010}

Israel Does Not Have Any Peace Plan

Needed: An Israeli peace plan
By Haaretz Editorial
Last update - 11:46 31/03/2010

While in Washington the U.S. administration is trying to reduce tensions with Israel, in Jerusalem they go out of their way to depict in war paint the demands President Barack Obama put to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Political sources in Jerusalem told Haaretz's Ari Shavit this week that hiding behind the American demands is an intention to impose a permanent settlement on the two sides in less than two years. This is being presented as a troubling change in U.S. policy toward Israel, while the Americans issue veiled yet serious threats about the risks that allegedly loom for them if their credibility in the Middle East is lost.

The top U.S. political officials and that country's defense establishment recently made it clear that the continued Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the perpetuation of the occupation in the territories undermine the strategic interests of the United States (and Israel as well). The stern demands made of the Israeli government reflect Obama's willingness to invest a significant effort in defense of these interests. It seems he concluded that the endless dialogue with the Israeli government does not push forward anything unless an American peace plan is formulated.

This is not necessarily a bad thing. The possibility that the United States will propose a plan of its own and seek to convince the sides to accept it, or even impose it, is not the worst of all possibilities.

For more:

Are We Allowed to Discuss Israeli War Crimes and Genocides?
Yahoo Q and A (Saturday, 10 April 2010)

Israeli War crimes and Genocides

As long ago as October 19, 2000, the then United Nations Human Rights Commission (now Council) condemned Israel for inflicting "war crimes" and "crimes against humanity" upon the Palestinian people, most of whom are Muslims. The reader has a general idea of what a war crime is, so I am not going to elaborate upon that term here. But there are different degrees of heinousness for war crimes. In particular are the more serious war crimes denominated "grave breaches" of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Since the outbreak of the first Intifada in 1987, the world has seen those heinous war crimes inflicted every day by Israel against the Palestinian people living in occupied Palestine: e.g., willful killing of Palestinian civilians by the Israeli army and by Israel's illegal paramilitary settlers. These Israeli "grave breaches" of the Fourth Geneva Convention mandate universal prosecution for the perpetrators and their commanders, whether military or civilian, including and especially Israel's political leaders.

The United States Promotes Israeli Genocide Against the Palestinians
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What Do You Know About the Israeli Holocaust?
Yahoo Q and A (Saturday, 10 April 2010)

Israeli Holocaust in the Occupied Palestine
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Holocaust survivor: Why I support Palestinian rights
True, Hitler's Holocaust was unique. The Palestinians are victims of ethnic cleansing and apartheid. Hitler started with that, but went on to extermination. In my family's city in Poland, Piotrkow, 99 per cent of the Jews perished.
Yet for me, the Israeli government's actions toward the Palestinians awaken horrific memories of my family's experiences under Hitlerism: the inhuman walls, the checkpoints, the daily humiliations, killings, diseases, the systematic deprivation. There's no escaping the fact that Israel has occupied the entire country of Palestine, and taken most of the land, while the Palestinians have been expelled, walled off, and deprived of human rights and human dignity.

For more:
Holocaust survivor: Why I support Palestinian rights

Do You Call It Witch-Hunt or Muslim Hunt?
Yahoo Q and A (Saturday, 10 April 2010}

For more:
Crimes Exposed
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If Raja Khan is guilty then we all are guilty of some crimes. I have given cash or otherwise to many individuals and groups, known and unknown to me, due to genuine and humanitarian reasons and grounds.

Then again UK jailed one 16 year old kid for collecting evidence and pictures of terrorising Muslims all over the world. Another 18 year old also went to jail in UK with much more fanfare for similar reasons. None of them were implicated with arms or any violent activities! (BBC Radio via 630 AM, Sydney - Saturday, 10 April 2010).

In Australia too, they have demonised, terrorised and imprisoned a 17 year old
Zeky Mallah who lost his mum and dead within a period of four weeks time in 2001. Lonely kid, used to go to mosque and spoke emotionally. The Zionist media used to have a ball with him and the zionised administration used him to the hilt for their own existence! After all of those witch-hunt and euphoria, the court found he is not guilty of anything and he is incapable of harming anyone too! Would you believe seven anti-Terrorism cases are not really convincing too!

Raja Lahrasib Khan, Chicago Taxi Driver, Pleads Not Guilty To Aiding Al Qaeda
Excerpt from taxi list:
Mike Foulks on April 5, 2010 1:18 PM
If Khan is such a dangerous "terrorist financer" and the all-knowing all-powerful authorities had him under such damning surveillance, WHERE ARE ALL HIS CO- DEFENDANTS? THERE ARE NONE!!! Why? Because this entire case is a witch hunt with a desperate need of a witch...which was fulfilled by manipulating Raja Khan to accept cash, presumably and unverifiably for "Al Qaida", if he only says the magic words "Osama bin Laden". I got news for you. I am a cabdriver. If some fool wants to give me a $1000 tip if I promise to deliver it to Ilyas Kashmiri or whoever they designate, and I mean anybody...I AM TAKING THAT FOOLS' MONEY and whistling Dixie. Especially if they promise me more cold hard cash in the future. The government didn't catch any bogeyman. They're just trying to make Raja Khan into one. They found a sucker. I don't know how these FBI guys and U.S. Attorneys will be able to sleep at night if they persist in this persecution of a good man they provoked, enticed, and trapped.
Mike Foulks on April 5, 2010 12:35 PM
Here's a challenge to the Government who has the burden of proof before they essentially end this good man's life: PUBLICLY REVEAL ALL OF THE EVIDENCE AGAINST RAJA KHAN, EVERY NOTE, EVERY TAPE, FROM START TO FINISH. Then we can see just how "agents provocateurs" really act these days. Note to true investigative journalists: Why not go down to 630 S. Dearborn and have a talk with the American Friends Service Committee's Mike McConnell or his employee Prateek Sampat and ask them how they came to worm their way beside a guy a like Raja Khan with their so-called "TWO Project"? Ask them about the CPTDA and the UTCC while your at it. It should be illuminating conversation.
Mr. Tang from Chicago